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Winning the Breast Cancer Battle


Updated: Oct 1, 2019

I guess it's fitting that the title of my first blog entry is the most meaningful phrase I've ever known. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 39 I was terrified. How would I manage the illness, treatment, and fear that ran through me? The dedication page of my book, Winning the Breast Cancer Battle, pays tribute to my tribe; my mother Anne, without whom I would not have retained my sanity. Daniel, my rock and my greatest source of strength. Daniela, Allison, my Tennis for Life friends, and my medical team. It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a tribe to win the battle.

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2 comentarios

28 ene 2020

Thank you for caring and sharing your journey to help others. I just had a friend post on Facebook that she just found out she has stage 3 breast cancer. She has five little children. I ordered your book for her.

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03 ene 2023
Contestando a

Thank you friend! Your support is truly amazing! We have heard if we reach just one person that is enough of a reason to spend all the time and financial resources to justify the writing and publishing of this book! We are the #elite who actually follow our dreams and publish a book, according to Mr. Chandler Bolt and the SPS team! I am glad to share this journey with you Delynn! And anyone who needs help healing from a disease that "should" be cured by now.

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